Marketing with Integrity

Some business owners really love running a business.  They love making customers happy and having a great place to work, but they also enjoy everything that comes with it – financial management, sales, competitive strategy, mentoring employees and putting out fires...

3 Biggest SEO Mistakes For Painting Contractors

As a painting contractor, you want your website to do two major jobs for you – get you found online and get potential customers to give you a call or fill out a form. Your website should be one of your major sources of lead generation. In order to get you found online...

Five Ways Customers Find Painting Contractors

“The best way to earn a customer’s business is to think like one.” That’s a lot harder than it sounds.  For instance, you know how to tell if a paint job is a good one – but do you know what customers look for?  They might not even be looking for the right things –...

Marketing a New Service

Some painting contractors have enough business in their area to stick exclusively to painting. Others  find that additional services help to fill up their calendar, especially during the winter months. Click here to learn how to maximize your marketing dollars and...

Building Customer Trust from Six Feet (or Six Miles) Away

It’s important for any business to build trust with potential customers, but it’s especially important for service-focused industries like residential painting contractors.  If you can build trust in those first discussions with potential customers, your close rate...

Three Ways Technology Can Make Life Easier for Painting Contractors

Technology is supposed to make life easier.  That was the promise, right?  Technology was supposed make it easier to contact people, make it faster to get things done and make our products perform better than ever.  Instead, it seems like technology has made it easier...