business and marketing advice for painting
How Painters Can Measure Financial Results to Improve Them
If you’re trying to improve your painting company’s profitability without taking on more risk, one of the best ways to do this is to measure your company’s financial results. By recording three financial metrics, you’ll be able to see...
5 Places Painting Contractors Can Find More Customer Leads
Do leads for your painting business come from one or two sources? If so, losing those sources could seriously damage your business. To ensure the long-term success of your business you’ll want to find more lead sources. Click here to...
What Does Business Success for a Painting Contractor Really Look Like?
With so many hours focused on managing your painting business, sometimes it’s hard to take a step back and see beyond that description of your business. While your business is a painting business, it’s also a small business. And while...
Two Ways Painting Contractors Can Improve Their Reputation and Make More Money
How does a painting company increase its revenue potential without growing in size and complexity? As discussed in a previous post about paying closer attention to costs and the types of jobs you accept, many painting business owners...
Three Terrible New Year’s Resolutions for Painting Contractors
It’s getting to be the time of year where everyone is taking a look at things that went really well in 2017, and things that didn’t go so well. Those thoughts always seem to lead to New Year’s Resolutions. While it’s a little cliché to...
What Makes A Great Painting Company Name?
If you’re starting a painting company, one of the first things you have to decide on is a name. That’s because the name will go on all of your incorporation paperwork and marketing. Changing your company name becomes harder (and more...
Delivering Bad News – 3 Ways Painting Contractors Can Soften the Blow
Most painting contractors have the best of intentions when they provide job estimates. Even so, bad things happen. Painters quit, or bad weather causes you to get way behind schedule. Maybe you thought you could get away with one fewer...
How Painting Contractors Can Make More Money without Increasing Hours
We frequently hear from painting contractors who are struggling to earn as much as they'd like despite working long hours. And while hiring more painters might lead to additional earning potential, qualified painters are difficult to...
Hiring a Painting Employee? Here’s What Makes a Great One.
Did you know that the federal government keeps a detailed list of what it takes to perform nearly every job in the United States? The US Department of Labor keeps detailed records on job requirements, and provides them to the public via...